Desert Rose crystal
Desert roses are said to be deeply connected with feng shui and can provide protection against negative energies. They may also bring luck, prosperity, success, and joy into one’s life. Plus, they are believed to help release emotional baggage and encourage spiritual growth. These crystals are powerful tools for meditation and visualization work as well, aiding one in connecting with their higher self or spirit guides.
Many people believe that the Desert Rose Crystal possesses healing properties. The benefits of this crystal make it especially useful for emotional healing and balancing one’s chakras. Being made up of both Selenite Gypsum and Amphibole Quartz makes it a powerful tool to help with physical issues such as allergies or headaches.
An added benefit is that Desert Rose Crystals deflect negative energy while bringing out positive vibes into your life. They are also known to boost creativity, increase confidence, and clarify tough decisions.
A stone of the mind.
It promotes intuitive perception, mental ability and darity.
It calms the worries of the mind from distractions and disruptions. Clarifies thinking and perception. Can be used to relieve stress and enhance will power.